Galway city council

Miller’s Lane upgrade works completed

Works have now been completed on Miller’s Lane Upgrade, which provides a pedestrian and cycle link between Rahoon Road, Western Distributor Road and Kingston Road. The lane connects the various residential areas and amenities in the locality. The recently completed Millers Lane upgrade will provide off-road walking and cycling routes for residents, and for children […] Galway Daily …

Developer seeks to add more bed spaces to Headford Road student accommodation

Planning permission is being sought to enlarge a student accommodation complex that has already been approved, to add 49 more bed spaces. Cleverson Ltd received approval from An Bord Pleanála for 223 bed, student accommodation development on the Headford Road in Galway City in July of 2021. The apartment complex will comprise two seven storey […] Galway Daily …

City sports clubs invited to apply for grant funding

Sports Clubs in Galway City are being invited to apply for funding from the city council under the annual grant scheme. The city council has €130,000 available to distribute under the Sports Club Grant Scheme for 2021. Clubs can each receive a capital grant of up to €3,500 under the scheme, which is delivered in […] Galway Daily …

Exciting new project ‘greens’ the Rocky Road in Westside

Galway City Council has partnered with local residents and young people to ‘green’ the Rocky Road in Westside, transforming it into a vibrant, playful and nature-friendly space for everyone in the community to enjoy. The Council supplied planters and its Parks staff helped local residents and young people plant flowers, fruit trees, strawberry bushes and […] Galway Daily …